The Cub Scout Law
Cub Scouts always do their best,
think of others before themselves
and do a good turn every day.
Becoming a Cub Scout
To become a member of the Scout Association and our group your child will be asked to make a promise at an investiture ceremony.
This would normally be undertaken during a normal meeting, however it can be carried out at any event.
We would always try and make this a very special event for your child, however it is your child’s investiture and would only be carried out when they were ready.
Investitures may be delayed so that they could be carried out at a special event e.g. at camp. You, of course, would be more than welcome to witness this ceremony.
Before being invested as a Cub Scout a member will need to have a full uniform, which you can find more information about on the Cubs Badges & Uniform page.
If your child would like to make their promise in Welsh then please let your leaders know, you can find the Welsh version of the promise here